Májiàng——Zhōngguó zuì liúxíng de chuántǒng yóuxì zhī yī Mahjong: One of the Most Popular Traditional Games in China...

wǒ jìng’ài zhège bàngōngshì dàn wǒ gèng ài wǒ de guójiā我敬爱这个办公室, 但我更爱我的国家——总统乔·拜登在退出2024年选举后发表演说 - #1"
wǒ de měiguó tóngbāo men, jīn wǎn wǒ yào duì nǐmen jiǎnghuà 我的美国同胞们,今晚我要对你们讲话 My fellow Americans I’m speaking to you tonight cóng...

很多热爱中国文化的朋友都知道,根据太阳和月亮的运转,中国制定了十二生肖, Hěn duō rè'ài Zhōngguó wénhuà de péngyǒu dōu zhīdào, Gēnjù tàiyáng hé yuèliàng de yùnzhuǎn, Zhōngguó...

Some important things we’ve discovered about online Chinese learning vs. in-person Chinese learning
During the pandemic, people’s lifestyles changed- for example, where we work, where we shop, where we study. We weren’t sure about doing...

冰城哈尔滨 (一)- from BM textbook 6 Lesson 11
又是一年冬来到,当纽约一天比一天冷,圣诞气氛也越来越浓时,我不禁又想起了故乡哈尔滨。我时常想起,放学回家的路上,那铺满白雪的道路,夜色中,在路灯的照射下就像洒满了钻石。 Yòu shì yì nián dōng lái dào , dāng Niǔ yuē yì tiān...

新年计划 Xīnnián jìhuà (BM3 Lesson 1 Text 1)
Please click BM Interactive eBook to listen to the Audio, watch the video and do exercises for this lesson. Not in the plan yet? Apply...

网络流行语 躺平 Tǎng píng (A Buzzword on internet - Lying flat)
Wǎngluò liúxíng yǔ Tǎng Píng This conversation is from BM Textbook 6 Lesson 4 Characters, Pinyin, New words, Google translation included...

Learn Chinese from culture 端午节 Duan Wu Festival/Dragon Boat Festival
This conversation is from BM Textbook 3 Lesson 7 端午节 Duānwǔ jié Text 1 丽丽:妈妈你在包粽子呢!要到端午节了吗? 妈妈:是啊,六月二十五号就是端午节了。 丽丽:太好了,妈妈包的粽子最好吃!要不要帮忙?...

中国城市 - 丽江 Chinese City - Li Jiang
Zhōngguó chéngshì - Lìjiāng This content from BM Textbook 4 Lesson 8 中国历史上唐宋以来至民国时期,有一条重要的贸易通道,在这里,汉族与藏族,等少数民族进行茶、马,盐,等重要日用品的贸易活动,这就是著名的茶...

What's the best way to learn Mandarin Chinese - 5 tips
During the past year, I guess everyone has been moving most activities online, including learning Mandarin Chinese. Of course, this is a...