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Explore Chinese Leve 1: Online Free Class

Hello, everyone! I’m Teacher Yan, the author of this book, and the founder of BM. I'm a passionate educator with over a decade of teaching experience. Explore Chinese is a labor of love, meticulously designed for overseas children with Chinese heritage and anyone eager to deepen their knowledge of the Chinese language. Book your free classes now to learn this book together!

Anchor Learn Live

Learn Live: In-Person & Online

The Gamified Chinese Program

is developed by Beautiful Mandarin, a leading provider of Mandarin Chinese language learning programs, both in-person and online. Our program is carefully crafted to inspire students' interest in learning Chinese and highly engage them in the learning process.

Utilizing the BM learning pack, our gamification techniques and interactive learning materials create an enjoyable and effective language learning experience for our students. We offer both in-person and online versions of our program to meet the diverse needs of our learners.


Children Gamified Chinese
Spring Semester

In-person Chinese Mandarin classes in Midtown NYC, Tutoring in Queens and Brooklyn

​All the games are specially designed for kids to learn Mandarin Chinese naturally, easier, and systematically.

Beautiful Mandarin Learning Pack including My Mandarin Busy Book, workbook, and Chinese characters exercise notebook, carefully designed by Beautiful Mandarin based on 10 years teaching experience. 

For ages 5-13

  • Small group Chinese class

  • 40 minutes each, 3 sessions each time

  • Experienced teacher

  • Chinese Speaking, listening, reading, and writing capabilities are improved at the same time

  • Efficient Mandarin Chinese learning and highly engaged class

  • Beautiful Mandarin Learning Packet including My Mandarin busy book and workbooks specially designed by Beautiful Mandarin 

Gamified Online Chinese Class  Spring Semester

Age 5-12 Y

Join our Gamified Online Chinese Class for a fun and interactive language learning experience! Our online program is specially designed to engage learners online with gamification techniques and make the learning process enjoyable.


Online ongoing class:

  • Simplify Mandarin Chinese language learning program

  • Small group classes with a maximum of 6 students

  • Focus on speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills

  • Using the BM Learning Pack

Summer Sunday BootCamp 2024!
Gamified Chinese + Cultural Experience + Ping Pong & Other Movement Games

This program is a great complement to your busy summer schedule, providing an enriching and flexible learning opportunity. It aims to ignite kids' interest in learning Chinese and significantly improve their language skills through full-day immersion. Students will engage in a variety of Chinese language games, cultural activities, and reading and writing exercises, all designed to make learning fun and effective. Utilizing the well-designed Beautiful Mandarin Learning Pack, our bootcamp offers a comprehensive learning experience.

  • Flexible Options: Choose from 1 to 4 Sundays

  • Dates Available: 7/28, 8/4, 8/11, 8/18

  • Time: 10:30 AM - 4:30 PM (6 hours per day)

  • Location: Manhattan, 1460 Broadway, NY 10036

  • Group Size: Small groups of 6 students each

BM Marvelous Summer 2024!
Gamified Chinese + Story performance + Cultural experiencing


Age 5-8, 9-12, 13-16 Y

This summer, your child will dive into a world of creative Chinese activities. From language games to cultural experiences like calligraphy, ink painting, and even ping pong, there's something for everyone. But what sets us apart? We bring Chinese stories to life through performance. Imagine your child confidently speaking Mandarin in front of others! The story performance opportunity will be offered at the end of each week. Get ready for an unforgettable summer! Check out the details below:


  • Two sessions available: 7/8-7/26 or 7/29-8/23, from 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM, Monday through Friday. Additional hours are available for an extra fee.

  • Flexible purchase starting from 1 week.

Gamified Online Chinese Summer Program

Age 5-13 Y

With our experienced teachers, this convenient online program features specially designed language games and cultural activities, utilizing the BM Learning Pack. We aim to ignite your children's interest in Mandarin Chinese and boost their language skills this summer!

  • Starting on 7/8, and ends on 8/23

  • Flexible purchasing starts from 1 week

  • Monday through Thursday one class each day via Zoom

  • Language games, cultural activities, crafting, singing...

Level up-website kids page  (2).png






Intermediate-High & Above

Levels description in BM

Guided by ACTFL Standards

Call at 646 387 9930


Speakers are able to handle successfully a variety of uncomplicated communicative tasks in straightforward social situations. Conversation include personal information related to self, family, home, daily activi ties, interests and personal preferences, as well as physical and social needs, such as food, shopping, travel, and lodging. They are capable of asking a variety of questions when necessary to obtain simple information to satisfy basic needs, such as directions, prices, and services.
Listeners are able to understand, with ease and confidence, simple sentence-length speech in basic personal and social contexts. They can derive substantial meaning from some connected texts typically understood by Advanced-level listeners although there often will be gaps in understanding due to a limited knowledge of the vocabulary and structures of the spoken language.
Readers are able to understand fully and with ease short, non-complex texts that convey basic information and deal with personal and social topics to which the reader brings personal interest or knowledge. These readers are also able to understand some connected texts featuring description and narration although there will be occasional gaps in understanding due to a limited knowledge of the vocabulary, structures, and writing conventions of the language.
Writers are able to meet all practical writing needs of the Intermediate level. Additionally, they can write compositions and simple summaries related to work and/or school experiences. They can narrate and describe in different time frames when writing about everyday events and situations. These narrations and descriptions are often but not always of paragraph length, and they typically contain some evidence of breakdown in one or more features of the Advanced level. For example, these writers may be inconsistent in the use of appropriate major time markers, resulting in a loss of clarity. The vocabulary, grammar, and style of Intermediate High writers essentially correspond to those of the spoken language. Intermediate High writing, even with numerous and perhaps significant errors, is generally comprehensible to natives not used to the writing of non-natives, but there are likely to be gaps in comprehension.
Speakers are able to handle successfully a limited number of uncomplicated communicative tasks by creating with the language in straightforward social situations. Conversation relate to basic personal information; for example, self and family, some daily activities and personal preferences, and some immediate needs, such as ordering food and making simple purchases.relate to basic personal information; for example, self and family, some daily activities and personal preferences, and some immediate needs, such as ordering food and making simple purchases.
Listeners are able to understand simple, sentence-length speech, one utterance at a time, in a variety of basic personal and social contexts. Comprehension is most often accurate with highly familiar and predictable topics although a few misunderstandings may occur. Intermediate Mid listeners may get some meaning from oral texts typically understood by Advanced-level listeners.
Readers are able to understand short, non-complex texts that convey basic information and deal with basic personal and social topics to which the reader brings personal interest or knowledge, although some misunderstandings may occur. Readers at this level may get some meaning from short connected texts featuring description and narration, dealing with familiar topics.
Writers are able to meet a number of practical writing needs. They can write short, simple communications, compositions, and requests for information in loosely connected texts about personal preferences, daily routines, common events, and other personal topics. Their writing is framed in present time but may contain references to other time frames. The writing style closely resembles oral discourse. Writers at the Intermediate Mid sublevel show evidence of control of basic sentence structure and verb forms. This writing is best defined as a collection of discrete sentences and/or questions loosely strung together. There is little evidence of deliberate organization. Intermediate Mid writers can be understood readily by natives used to the writing of non-natives. When Intermediate Mid writers attempt Advanced-level writing tasks, the quality and/or quantity of their writing declines and the message may be unclear.
Speakers are able to handle a variety of tasks pertaining to the Intermediate level but are unable to sustain performance at that level. They are able to manage successfully a number of uncomplicated communicative tasks in straightforward social situations. Conversation such as basic personal information, basic objects, and a limited number of activities, preferences, and immediate needs.
Listeners are able to understand some information from sentence-length speech, one utterance at a time, in basic personal and social contexts, though comprehension is often uneven. At the Intermediate Low sublevel, listeners show little or no comprehension of oral texts typically understood by Advanced-level listeners.
Readers are able to understand some information from the simplest connected texts dealing with a limited number of personal and social needs, although there may be frequent misunderstandings. Readers at this level will be challenged to derive meaning from connected texts of any length.
Writers are able to meet some limited practical writing needs. They can create statements and formulate questions based on familiar material. Most sentences are recombinations of learned vocabulary and structures. These are short and simple conversational-style sentences with basic word order. They are written almost exclusively in present time. Writing tends to consist of a few simple sentences, often with repetitive structure. Topics are tied to highly predictable content areas and personal information. Vocabulary is adequate to express elementary needs. There may be basic errors in grammar, word choice, punctuation, spelling, and in the formation and use of non-alphabetic symbols. Their writing is understood by natives used to the writing of non-natives, although additional effort may be required. When Intermediate Low writers attempt to perform writing tasks at the Advanced level, their writing will deteriorate significantly and their message may be left incomplete.
Speakers are able to handle a variety of tasks pertaining to the Intermediate level, but are unable to sustain performance at that level. They are able to manage successfully a number of uncomplicated communicative tasks in straightforward social situations. Conversation is restricted to a few of the predictable topics necessary for survival in the target language culture, such as basic personal information, basic objects, and a limited number of activities, preferences, and immediate needs. Novice High speakers respond to simple, direct questions or requests for information. They are also able to ask a few formulaic questions. Novice High speakers are able to express personal meaning by relying heavily on learned phrases or recombinations of these and what they hear from their interlocutor.
Listeners are often but not always able to understand information from sentence-length speech, one utterance at a time, in basic personal and social contexts where there is contextual or extralinguistic support, though comprehension may often be very uneven. They are able to understand speech dealing with areas of practical need such as highly standardized messages, phrases, or instructions, if the vocabulary has been learned.
Readers can understand, fully and with relative ease, key words and cognates, as well as formulaic phrases across a range of highly contextualized texts. Where vocabulary has been learned, they can understand predictable language and messages such as those found on train schedules, roadmaps, and street signs. Readers at the Novice High sublevel are typically able to derive meaning from short, non-complex texts that convey basic information for which there is contextual or extralinguistic support.
Writers are able to meet limited basic practical writing needs using lists, short messages, postcards, and simple notes. They are able to express themselves within the context in which the language was learned, relying mainly on practiced material. Their writing is focused on common elements of daily life. Novice High writers are able to recombine learned vocabulary and structures to create simple sentences on very familiar topics, but are not able to sustain sentence-level writing all the time. Due to inadequate vocabulary and/or grammar, writing at this level may only partially communicate the intentions of the writer. Novice High writing is often comprehensible to natives used to the writing of non-natives, but gaps in comprehension may occur.
Speakers communicate minimally by using a number of isolated words and memorized phrases limited by the particular context in which the language has been learned.
Listeners can recognize and begin to understand a number of high-frequency, highly contextualized words and phrases including aural cognates and borrowed words. Typically, they understand little more than one phrase at a time, and repetition may be required.
Readers are able to recognize the letters or symbols of an alphabetic or syllabic writing system or a limited number of characters in a character-based language. They can identify a number of highly contextualized words and phrases including cognates and borrowed words but rarely understand material that exceeds a single phrase. Rereading is often required.
Writers can reproduce from memory a modest number of words and phrases in context. They can supply limited information on simple forms and documents, and other basic biographical information, such as names, numbers, and nationality. Novice Mid writers exhibit a high degree of accuracy when writing on well-practiced, familiar topics using limited formulaic language. With less familiar topics, there is a marked decrease in accuracy. Errors in spelling or in the representation of symbols may be frequent. There is little evidence of functional writing skills. At this level, the writing may be difficult to understand even by those accustomed to non-native writers.
Speakers at this level in BM, given adequate time and familiar cues, they are able to exchange greetings, give their identity, and name a number of familiar objects from their immediate environment.
Listeners are able occasionally to recognize isolated words or very high-frequency phrases when those are strongly supported by context. These listeners show virtually no comprehension of any kind of spoken message, not even within the most basic personal and social contexts.
Readers are able to recognize a limited number of letters, symbols or characters. They are occasionally able to identify high-frequency words and/or phrases when strongly supported by context.
Writers are able to copy or transcribe familiar words or phrases, form letters in an alphabetic system, and copy and produce isolated, basic strokes in languages that use syllabaries or characters. Given adequate time and familiar cues, they can reproduce from memory a very limited number of isolated words or familiar phrases, but errors are to be expected.

Effective Chinese courses for children!

During the coronavirus period,  all of our classes are online live classes. Your kids learn mandarin based on stories and games. 

Our kids Mandarin is specifically designed for children to develop their interest in learning the language.


Based on our many years of teaching experience, we've found that some children do not like to learn Chinese for a variety of reasons, such as feeling as if it is forced by their parents or finding the language too difficult or boring. We have designed our courses to avoid these issues by creating an interactive and fun class. All the activities designed cooperates the edge-cutting educational concept.


We have designed all our courses to stimulate and promote children's educational growth and discipline. Our classes mainly consist of singing, arts and crafts and, language games, activities that your kids will love. Your child will realize the patterns and rules of this language on their own and pick up Chinese in an organic way, while at the same time developing a strong interest and passion for the language.


Please Book a visit on the bottom of this page or contact us by 


Phone:646 387 9930




我们所有的课程设计都结合了最前沿的教育理念,紧跟少儿的成长及学习规律。歌唱,手工和各种有目的的语言游戏将是我们课堂的主要内容。如果您想了解具体的课程内容和形式请在页面最下方 book a vist。




电话:646 387 9930


Midtown Manhattan
1460 Broadway,  NY10036

Astoria Queens
3537 36th St. Queens, NY11106

81 Prospect St, Brooklyn, NY 11201

Contact number: 347 395 6078


Please visit after scheduling

© 2021 by BeautifulMandarin

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