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十二生肖 shí'èr shēngxiào 12 zodiacs


Rénmen dōu zhīdào, zhōngguó yǒu 12 shēngxiào, nàme 12 shēngxiào dàibiǎo shénme, shì zěnme lái de ne?

Everyone knows that there are 12 zodiacs in China, so what are those 12 zodiacs represent, and how did they come from?


Gǔdài zhōngguó rén tōngguò guānchá tiānxiàng, fāxiàn tàiyang hé yuèliang yì nián yào huìhé 12 cì, yúshì jiù yòng “zǐ, chǒu, yín, mǎo, chén, sì, wǔ, wèi, shēn, yǒu, xū, hài” dàibiǎo 12 ge yuè, hòulái yòu dāpèi 12 ge dòngwu lái dài biǎo 12 nián, zhè jiùshì “zǐ shǔ, chǒu niú, yín hǔ, mǎo tù, chén lóng, sì shé, wǔ mǎ, wèi yáng, shēn hóu, yǒu jī, xū gǒu, hài zhū”, měi 12 nián zài chóngxīn xúnhuán yícì.

The ancient Chinese found out the sun and the moon converges 12 times during a year by observing the Astronomical phenomenon,so they use 子、丑chǒu、寅yín、卯mǎo、辰chén、巳、午、未wèi、申shēn、酉yǒu、戌、亥hài to represent 12 months, after then they matched 12 animals to represent 12 years. Those animals are Zi rat,Chou OX,Yin tiger,Mao rabbit,Chen dragon,Si snake,Wu horse,Wei goat,Shen monkey,You rooster,Xu dog,Hai pig. They circulate from the beginning every 12 years.


Qùnián 2020 nián shì shǔ nián, zài nà yì nián chūshēng de rén dōu shǔ shǔ, zhèxiē dòngwu ànzhào shùnxù páiliè, shǔ pái zài 12 shēngxiào lǐ de dì yīgè, pái zài dì èr gè de shì niú, suǒyǐ jīnnián 2021 nián jiùshì niú nián, chūshēng zài jīnnián de háizi dōu shǔ niú. Dāngrán, yīnwèi 12 nián xúnhuán yícì, suǒyǐ rúguǒ nǐ shì 2009nián, huòzhě 1997nián chūshēng……yǐ cǐ lèituī zhǐyào chà 12 suì dōu shì shǔ tóng yí ge shēngxiào.

Last year was the year of Zi rat, people was born in that year will all under the zodiac of rat. Those animals' positions are arranged by orders. the rat is the first in the 12 animals, the second is the ox, so this year is the year of the ox, and the kids born in this year will all under the zodiac of ox. Of cause, because one cycle is 12 years, so if you were born in 2009, or 1997 and so on, as long as the difference is 12 years old people will be under the same zodiac.


Hěnduō rén xiāngxìn tóngshǔ yíge shēngxiào de rén, tāmen de xìnggé shènzhì mìngyùn yǒuzhe hěnduō gòngtóng diǎn. Bǐrú, rénmen jiù cháng shuō, shǔ niú de rén dàduō chéngshí, yǒu nàixīn, érqiě gōngzuò qínláo, fùzé, suǒyǐ shǔ niú de rén bǐjiào róngyì dédào biérén de xìnrèn, dànshì tāmen de quēdiǎn shì bú tài ài jiǎnghuà, bú ài gōutōng. Tāmen de yùnqi hái gēn tā shì jǐ yuèfèn chūshēng de niú yěyǒu guānxi, bǐrú chūn xià chūshēng de shǔ niúrén yùnqi huì fēicháng hǎo, yīnwèi nàgè shíhòu yǒu hěnduō cǎo, shíwù chōngzú.

Many believe that if the people under the same zodiac, their personalities and even destiny will have a lot in common. For example, people always say, the person who under the zodiac of ox mostly is honest, patient, and diligent, responsible, so they are easy to get trust from others, but the shortcomings of them is that less talking, and less communication. Their luck also matters with which month they were born in. For example, if the person of ox was born in spring or summer who may have better luck, because there are enough grass, the food is plenty.


Nǐ shǔ niú ma, nǐ juéde yǐshàng shuō de duì ma? Dāngrán zhèxiē zhǐshì chuánshuō, gēn xīfāng de xīngzuò chàbuduō, xìn búxìn yóu nǐ!

Are you under the zodiac of the ox, and do you think what says above is correct? Of cause, those are only the legends, are just similar to the western constellation. Believe it or not!

你想知道自己属什么吗? 看看下面吧:

Nǐ xiǎng zhīdào zìjǐ shǔ shénme ma? Kàn kàn xiàmiàn ba:

Do you want to know what zodiac you are under? Check below:

Click the picture you can purchase the Zodiac Chinese Character and Pinyin exercise notebook on Amazon published by Beautiful Mandarin.

The year was born:

life fortune 一生总运势:


The year was born:

life fortune 一生总运势:


The year was born:

life fortune 一生总运势:


The year was born:

life fortune 一生总运势:


The year was born:

life fortune 一生总运势


The year was born:

life fortune 一生总运势:


The year was born:

life fortune 一生总运势:


The year was born:

life fortune 一生总运势:


The year was born:

life fortune 一生总运势:


The year was born:

life fortune 一生总运势:

酉年生人,其性诚实多智慧兼伶俐,能与人交际,望得贵人提拔,抱大志多计谋,终遂捷径光明,且有带快热冷的心理,致自抱自弃的缺点,对自己不利的时多与计较,致见少利而生大财之嫌。 忠告:属鸡的人,远方男性女性都容易受异性引诱,恋爱的次数相当多,而且每一次都会付出真情,自尊心高,讨厌依赖别人,个性直率,所以并不是每种类型的人都合适你,因此在选择伴侣时,一定要三思而后行。 特性:保守、热心、漂亮、坦诚、幽默。 缺点:傲慢、自大、盲目崇拜。

The year was born:

life fortune 一生总运势:


The year was born:

life fortune 一生总运势:


生词New Words:

  1. 生肖(shēngxiāo) n. any one of the names of 12 symbolic animals associated with a 12-year cycle. Often used to denote the year of a person’s birth.

  2. 代表hsk4 (dàibiǎo) v. represent; stand for

  3. 古代hsk5 (gǔdài) n. the period in Chinese history from remote antiquity down until the mid-19th century

  4. 通过hsk4 (tōngguò) v. pass through; get past

  5. 观察hsk5 (guānchá) v. observe; watch

  6. 天象 (tiānxiàng) n. astronomical phenomena

  7. 汇合 (huìhé) converge; join

  8. 搭配hsk6 (dāpèi) v. arrange in pairs or groups

  9. 重新hsk4 (chóngxīn) adv. again; anew

  10. 循环hsk6 (xúnhuán) v. circulate; cycle

  11. 顺序 hsk4 (shùnxù) n. sequence; order

  12. 排列hsk4 (páiliè) v. arrange; range

  13. 以此类推 (yǐcǐlèituī) on the analogy of this

  14. 性格hsk4 (xìnggé) n. nature; character; disposition

  15. 命运 (mìngyùn) n. destiny; fate

  16. 共同hsk4 (gòngtóng) adj. shared; common

  17. 诚实hsk4 (chéngshí) adj. honest

  18. 勤劳hsk5 (qínláo) adj. diligent; industrion

  19. 负责hsk4 (fùzé) be responsible for; be in charge of

  20. 信任hsk4 (xìnrèn) v. trust; have confidence in

  21. 缺点hsk4 (quēdiǎn) n. shortcoming

  22. 运气hsk5 (yùnqi) n. fortune; luck

  23. 充足hsk6 (chōngzú) adj. adequate; abundant

  24. 星座 (xīngzuò) n. constellation

  25. 由hsk4 (yóu) n. cause; reason

  26. 链接(liànjiē) v. interlink




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